2014年12月20日 星期六

Logos的12天 - 2014篇

一如往年,Logos在聖誕節前推出12 Days of Logos

今年更有不同書卷的Christmas Collection及暢銷書籍特價的Stocking Stuffers。

我覺得Christmas Collection吸引不大(除非你專研某卷書),Stocking Stuffers及12 Days of Logos兩者也有些不錯的選擇,視乎你需要甚麼書。加上upgrade到Logos 6的話,口袋似乎就可以變得空空如也吧!

Day 1:Reformed Expository Commentary (18 vols.) $234.95
Day 2:Hebrew Audio Pronunciations $39.95
Day 3:The New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament (NICOT/NICNT) (44 vols.) $1,199.95
Day 4:Mobile Ed: Craig A. Evans New Testament Backgrounds Bundle (6 courses) $399.95
Day 5:Timothy Keller Sermon Archive, 1989–2011 (1,233 sermons) $214.95
Day 6:Systematic Theology (4 vols.) $79.95
Day 7:Concordia Commentary (23 vols.) $599.95
Day 8:Christian History & Biography Magazine (issues 1–99) $109.95
Day 9:Anchor Yale Bible (86 vols.) $1,359.95
Day 10:The Life Application Bible Commentary (17 vols.) $144.95
Day 11:New Interpreter’s Bible (12 vols.) $499.95
Day 12:Fathers of the Church Series (127 vols.) $1,779.95